Moving in Kansas City can be stressful for many reasons. Secure Moving & Storage wants to help you keep the stress level to a minimum. To keep organized it all starts with packing your boxes and labeling them so you can easily find what you are looking for. The last thing you want is to find your movers put your box of dishes in the basement. Here is a quick tip to keep all the boxes organized.
In the picture is special packing tape that is labeled and colored for specific rooms. You can find this tape online. Simply use this tape to seal the boxes shut. Make sure tape goes all the way around the box. Simply use the same tape for each specific room so your movers will know what room to place the box. Take a piece of each tape and attach it on the door of the bedroom so they will know which color goes into each room.
Another helpful packing tip is to label moving boxes that you plan on donating, pitching, or selling. This way the moving company can put these boxes in the garage or basement and not get mixed up.
You may want to use a marker to label specific items in each box. Also creating a last on, first off list and labeling those boxes. When you get to your new residence you can easily access these boxes. Specific items you may want to take with you in the car so you will have right away include: bedding, toilet paper, cleaning supplies, medications, snacks, and toys for kids.
When you purchase moving supplies keep in mind you will need boxes, tape, labels, and markers. Remember to order specialty items like wardrobe boxes for hanging clothes, dish boxes for kitchen, and mattress bags to keep beds clean.
Running out of time and need help, call Secure Moving & Storage. If you are moving from Kansas City we can send trained packing crews to take care of all your packing needs.